Auf meinem Blog stelle ich immer wieder eine Auswahl meiner liebsten Rezepte vor. Pflanzlich, ausgewogen und gesund. Klick dich gerne durch die Rezeptliste!
Spicy Pumpkin Gnocchi
Stuffed Teff Pancake
Rainbow Summer Bowl
Messy Lasagne Tricolori
Rooty Indian Dal
Savoury Chickpea Pancakes
Royal Roasted Veggies
Sweet Brussels Sprouts
Veggie Rolls mit Erdnuss-Sauce
Summer Salad Antipasti
Rainbow Summer Bowl
Rocket Salad with Aubergine stuffed Pumpkin
Warm Ginger Spiced Pear Salad
Broccoli and Apple Salad
Warm Sweet Potato and Radish Salad
Exotic Mango Salad
Morrocan Carrot Salad
Roasted Carrot and Apple Salad
Sommerliches Karotte Ingwer Püree
Herbstlicher Kürbissalat
Creamy Leek Soup
Frothy Chestnut Soup
Warming Thai Soup
Gingery Pumpkin Soup
Immune-Boosting Miso Soup
Warm Quinoa Porridge Bowl
Porridge Basic
Kuchen, Muffins & Co
Bananabread Maxi Muffins
Warm Apple Crumble
Decadent Avocado Chocolate Fudge Tart
German Bread
Vegane Bliss Bites
Veganer Maronenkuchen
Vegane Eiscreme
Immune Boost Tonic, Classic Green Juice & Simply Carrots
Coco-Mango-Turmeric, Spinach-Banana-Cardamom & Raspberry-Beetroot-Chocolate
Hot Lava
Creamy tumeric-orange Cashewtreat
Beetroot-Grapefruit Smoothie Bowl
Jamu – Indonesisches Gesundheitstonic